Nectar's Whisper

by Bill and Linda Tiepelman
Nectar's Whisper
Bill and Linda Tiepelman
Digital Art - Digital Photographic Art
In the heart of the Enchanted Garden, where the air hummed with the whispers of nectar and the dreams of flowers bloomed into existence, there lived a tiny hummingbird named Lumin. Unlike any other bird, Lumin's feathers were a tapestry of living colors, a radiant shimmer that danced with the light of the realm.
This garden was no ordinary place; it was where the forgotten colors of the world found refuge, where flowers with fractal petals unfurled their spirals to the sky, each a small universe of their own. Lumin, the guardian of this kaleidoscope of life, weaved through the blooming spirals, her wings beating in a rhythm that was the heartbeat of this magical domain.
One dawn, as the first light caressed the dew-laden spirals, a rare silence befell the garden. A shadow had crept over the land, threatening to drain the colors that Lumin and her ancestors had safeguarded for eons. The hummingbird knew what she had to do. Summoning the light within her iridescent feathers, Lumin soared higher and higher, her body becoming a prism that refracted the pure sunlight into a myriad of colors.
The shadow recoiled, for it could not withstand the beauty and vibrancy of Lumin's essence. As the colors rained down, the flowers rejoiced, their fractal petals opening wider, and the shadow dissipated, leaving the garden brighter than before.
From that day on, Lumin was more than just a hummingbird; she was a symbol of life's resilience and the enduring splendor of nature's palette. The Enchanted Garden thrived, each creature playing its part in the symphony of existence, and at the center of it all was Lumin, the hummingbird whose light whispered nectar's sweet song.
December 28th, 2023